character illustration
buck: trinidadian folklore digital illustration, commissioned by TriniInXisle
Description from TriniInXisle webpage: “…in Trinidad and Guyana, a “Buck” is also a little or short man who is kept and used by people to gain monetary success. They are spirits of small stature with sharp teeth and long claws, believed to possess magical powers. This is a common folklore character in Trinidad and Tobago that is often referred to mainly in cases where businesses or persons gain ultimate success in a short amount of time.
The owners of these creatures must provide them with food and shelter to keep them under their control. In exchange, the Buck will perform evil deeds beneficial to its owner and make them very wealthy. Bucks are fed milk and bananas at fixed times and is said to be kept either in a bottle or the attic of the owner’s house.”
Process of sketching shown from concept thumbnails to rough sketches. Major additions or omissions, changes to scale and proportion done during sketch stage. Fine tweaks resolved in the final render.